Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009

I thought I'd post that I went to Morgan's Parent-Teacher conference and got no surprising news but did get to talk about her reading difficulties. Morgy was there and we both gave her strategies for dealing with stress and panic hoping to ease it. Little thing just worries to no end. Seemed to make her feel better as she immediately came home and read the opening paragraph of Inkheart and then we discussed the comprehension of it. (Yea Morgy!)

She's doing well in Math and was really surprised when I told her how much trouble I have with math even though English is easy for me. Her teacher told her he had trouble in science and some in math and I think she realizes that everyone has trouble in some areas. Hopefully I am doing right by her. Cody tries hard and deals with her a lot better than me most of the time. He's more patient. And he's home. That helps a lot. (I just visit.)

The weather is lovely here but we are supposed to get snow/rain this weekend. Hopefully it won't do too much. I need gas money! Toby and Annie have their full winter fuzzies on under their blankets so there is nothing to worry about there. Good thing as I don't have time to coddle them.

Photos are of my skeletons playing in a co-worker's pumpkin on Halloween at work, two photos of Me driving our new company horse, Mozart, on his first night on the carriage last week, and one of City Park in the snow two weeks ago. No snow anymore. It's 70!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Snow Daze

Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Speaking of horses... Morgan is starting to turn into quite the little equestrian! She and Toby are buddies and I have a video to prove it! Enjoy!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
After a few days of sadness Cody and I found a puppy to fill part of Straton's gap. He is a tiny Shih Tzu/Poodle mix, black and white and cute as a button. His name is Max. Morgan came up with the name, Cody decided Max was cool if he could call him Maximus, and I said his full name is Maximus Doggus. He is settling in well though Brigs has been slow coming around. Today they were playing in the park and seem to have crossed a hurdle. We'll see if that keeps up but I have high hopes.
I have included a picture of Max and one of him and Brigs on the "new" couch for you all to see. He's had a minor haircut since the photo. I will get more photos and post them soon. Might even make a video. Speaking of videos... I included one of my new ones of the carriage horses. This one is a compilation of weather according to a carriage drivers in Denver this year.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Video Killed the Radio Star
OK Nana... here is the Denver Vacation video. It took a long time and I must warn all viewers that is is about 20 minutes long so clear your schedule before viewing. Once again I provide a link to the blog online so you can actually view it. Enjoy!
Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Spring Swing
Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is Travis. Marie got him from another person downtown who was going out of business. He's gorgeous, well broke, and has as much personality as Sweetie Pye! Everyone who has driven him just loves him!

And here is the video of Bailey!
Friday, June 12, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting this post in an email? Click the link below to see the videos!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Annie gets turned out with the shire mare Willow (she is the big black and white one), and her corral buddy Charlie. He is an Appaloosa Mustang.

Toby gets turned out in the round pen and the front arena because there is mostly weeds and little for him to get fat on. Isn't he pretty in his clipped coat?

Clancey is a beautiful Clydesdale/Belgian gelding who is Bailey's buddy. We are hoping to get him working by next year.

There are some Pronghorn herds that hang around the area where Marie's place is and I happened to get a few pics of some girls. I am thinking that there will be little pronghorn soon.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I was working Friday, Saturday, and Sunday but was rained on all of those days and hailed on on Sunday. Pye was NOT impressed. We didn't work on Monday, thankfully but it didn't make up much for three days of being soaking wet and making little money to show for it.

Enough of my whining though, Cody took the crew to Heritage Square where there were rides and games for the kiddos and I went on a shopping adventure with the rest of the crew on Saturday. Another big item of note is my birthday present... a new camera! All these pics were taken with it and I am in love! There will be a new blog video soon.
The only other item of note is that Straton apparently has severe issues with lightening and thunder. On Saturday he jumped the fence into the neighbor's yard and then destroyed their fence climbing out of their yard, and then on Sunday went through our bedroom window screen and climbed the fence escaping into the neighborhood. Even the rain has him shaking at this point. The neighbors were thankfully understanding, but we now have a large, heavy duty dog kennel in the basement to confine him anytime there is a potential of thunderstorms. Poor Straton. Brigs was upset at his escaping but otherwise unaffected by the storms.