I was working Friday, Saturday, and Sunday but was rained on all of those days and hailed on on Sunday. Pye was NOT impressed. We didn't work on Monday, thankfully but it didn't make up much for three days of being soaking wet and making little money to show for it.

Enough of my whining though, Cody took the crew to Heritage Square where there were rides and games for the kiddos and I went on a shopping adventure with the rest of the crew on Saturday. Another big item of note is my birthday present... a new camera! All these pics were taken with it and I am in love! There will be a new blog video soon.
The only other item of note is that Straton apparently has severe issues with lightening and thunder. On Saturday he jumped the fence into the neighbor's yard and then destroyed their fence climbing out of their yard, and then on Sunday went through our bedroom window screen and climbed the fence escaping into the neighborhood. Even the rain has him shaking at this point. The neighbors were thankfully understanding, but we now have a large, heavy duty dog kennel in the basement to confine him anytime there is a potential of thunderstorms. Poor Straton. Brigs was upset at his escaping but otherwise unaffected by the storms.