I am now domestic. I resisted as long as I could but finally had to give in. It was a simple survival issue. I cook, clean, do laundry weekly, and complain about socks on the floor. It is very, well, annoying. I don't particularly like this change but as I am STILL unemployed there is little else to occupy my mind. I find laundry the most annoying. Mostly because the washer is in the basement and carrying the loads up and down the stairs irritates my already broken arms. I have started fantasizing about mechanical devices to move laundry up and down stairs or major remodels of the house we don't even own. I also find myself dreaming of when I am employed again and can afford to move and rent a house where my horses live with me, the backyard doesn't eat my tiny dogs, and I could park my car under a tree and not have it so covered in sap that I need to wash my hands after opening the door. I still love our little house but it definitely has some severe issues.

Beyond my domestic self Annie and Toby are doing extremely well. Annie is out in a huge group pen where she has many other horses to talk to and argue with. I had a lovely ride two days ago which proved that this set-up is definitely better for her attitude. The many teeth marks in her rump and sides has replaced the generous use of arm and whip power when in the saddle. She has resumed her mid-pack status in the world and apparently has reduced her challenging of the humans who ride her. The humans are much happier with this arrangement.

I am also working through more of the boxes of photos that Nana had saved for me over the years. She also granted me use of her multi gigs of pixel photos from her own hard drive files. Photoshop has been getting a lot of use. Now I just need a scanner. I am also trying to focus myself to start writing for real. I really want to write several books. Now if I can just focus myself. Yea Zoloft.