The next bit of news is that Annie will be going to Phoenix. I am working on getting the vet out to get her heath papers done and then on a shipper. She will be there for use for Jenn, and anyone else who would like to play with a very nice Hunter mare. I am relieved that I will not have to sell her. She is a part of me as much as Cody and Morgan are. I am still tossing around the idea of selling Toby, The lady who owns the barn that he was previously housed at has offered to take him. Now I have to decide if I am comfortable with him being used around kids. Hmmm. I'm not entirely sure. He is relatively evil.
I am waiting on another mentor. This time for Flat Bed Fleet. I am very excited to go into this division of the company as the freight is more hands-on, more specialized, and makes me more versatile and therefore worth more. I also really like the idea of spending more time at huge factories and less time at Distribution Centers with hundreds of docks and very angry dock personnel. The people at the huge factories or mills are often more friendly and if not you deal with them less than you do at the DCs. I also detest most retail places I deliver to. The people seem to WANT to make my life as difficult as possible. I honestly don't mind doing more work if people are relatively happy and appreciative of me. At CostCo and Home Depot I find myself in more of a "screw you" attitude by the time I leave. Especially CostCo. I would swear that they require their dock employees to take rudeness classes.
So in the meantime I am running the 400 miles between Snowflake, Arizona and El Paso, Texas. I love my audio books, helping Cody cook dinner over the phone and chatting with Morgy about all the crazy things that have/are happened/happening and listening to them giggle over some silly thing the dogs have done or movie they are watching. I love coming home, and the job isn't too bad though I'd like to be able to bring Cody and Morgy with me more. I am working on it but am having to wade through the Corporation BS at the moment. It will happen. Morgy needs to come see all the cool things with me.