This is Mike. He's my newest buddy here in Denver. The chick behind him is Brandie. I am a carriage driver in downtown Denver. It is a new occupation for me but not a new hobby. I have driven for about 5 years.
Mikey is an absolute doll. He is a Percheron gelding who has been pulling carriages for eons in downtown Denver. He has changed hands many times over the years but is currently in the highly skilled hands of Marie, the owner of Irish Rose Carriages.
Marie has been Driving in Denver for over 20 years. She also keeps her animals in tip-top condition, has only the best equipment, and is extremely safety conscious. She has my highest respect as a business and horse woman.
And now back to me. I moved to Denver almost two months ago. The reason was two-fold. First priority was Cody. He is the boyfriend. I was stuck in Phoenix due to a divorce with child. The crappy economy caused her dad to get laid off and moved out of state. Thus I was released from my bondage to Arizona. I immediately decided to take the leap and move me and kiddo out to Colorado. As Cody was going to move out to Arizona and have to start his established carpentry company from scratch, I figured he would be a relatively safe bet. Luckily it has turned out spectacularly.
The second reason kind-of evolved from the first. Being able to move to Colorado opened some educational opportunities. I was fishing for a new career in Arizona but was limited by the schools available. Here in Denver is one of the best Veterinary Technician schools in the country. I am now a new student at Bel-Rea Institute along with a new carriage driver on the Mall. Wow. I am just turning over all kinds of new leaves in life!
Well, it was nice to be able to show of the handsome Mike to the Internet public. He's such a good, sweet boy. I am sure there are tons of photos of him out there but none that introduce him formally and I like him enough to feel that such formalities are warranted. As for the rest of this post, well, I have had this blog up for a while now and haven't posted so I figured Mike would make a great first post. Hope you all agree!