Here are the new pictures of Annie. (I cheated and put an old picture from Payson on the last post!) All the pictures today were from Friday. It was sprinkling but the front saved the "Big" rain for today, Saturday. I went to visit today and got to help Marie move some of the big drafts from their pens as there was two inches of standing water in their pens! She was astonished and said she'd never seen rain like we've had since she's been at her facility.

Annie's pen is just fine though. You can see from the photos that it is HUGE! She can actually canter three full strides along the long sides. The run-in shed is enormous also and she cal lay down on her side spread out in it and still has room for her 150 gallon feed tub. She is dressed in her winter blanket because it has been rainy and about 50-60 degrees. I have a sheet on order so she doesn't have to wear her heavy winter blanket during mild storms like this. I also ordered a hood as she has never been through a winter and it will take the edge off of the winds and will keep her dry in rain showers.
There is a very large pasture/arena in the front of the property that I let her play in for a few minutes on Friday. She really enjoyed the large area to stretch her legs and kick up her heels. She hasn't meet the large pastures on the back 15 acres of the property yet... I will have to get videos of that adventure!
She is handling the move very well. She seems a little anxious as she hasn't been away from WEB Ranch's horses for any length of time in over a year and hasn't made fast friends with the other horses yet but is eating well and gladly meets me and Marie at the gate anytime we come to visit her. She has just about all the hay she can eat and gets grain in the mornings along with her supplements and Marie said she figured out "the lady with the food" really fast.
I sorted through all the tack today and ordered some tack hooks and Cody is going to give me some saw horses to keep the saddles on. That should about do it! Hopefully the weather will improve so I can start working her next week!