Well, December is gone... I worked 25 days of the 31. My friend Katie at work has become my riding buddy and has even ridden Annie. All the pictures included in this post are of Katie, Annie, Pippin, Sweetie Pie, and Mikey. Pippin is the little
Suffolk gelding that is 4 and is the draft me or Katie ride the most. Sweetie Pie and Mikey are the two driving horses I have introduced previously.

Annie and Pippin are buddies. They get turned-out together and are the same height, if not the same weight. Pippin is a goober like Annie and will be heading downtown to work this spring.

He's a bit of a goober to ride, even more than Annie. He isn't going to buck or anything but doesn't know how to walk straight, and is a bit barn sour.

Katie has a cute little gelding named Galahad that she does Jumpers with and she is working on teaching me to jump. I am working on dressage with her.

Katie sure likes Annie and puts up with her goober-y-
ness. I just need to get in shape before I can figure out how much work I need to do. At this point 5 minutes about kills me. Sad.

Isn't Pippin cute? He's almost as wide as he is tall and is super quietly tempered. He will be awesome downtown.

Sweetie Pie worked her little rear off this
Christmas season. Mikey didn't work much as he is more of a "Thursday" horse, meaning he is semi-retired and just isn't up to the heavy holiday workload. He did come out a few nights though and looked down right adorable in his little
Santa hat.

This last picture is of the front range as viewed from Marie's place. It looks so lovely with all the snow. I start school tomorrow and I would say more but I am tired. I will update more of the new another day.