OK all. A little tutorial on blog videos. To see the movies I included in the last blog you probably need to come to the actual site rather than just looking at the email update. Click here: http://www.eighthparakeet.blogspot.com/. I have just gotten notification from You Tube that my videos are in violation of copyright and so I need to figure out what the heck I did/need to do to resolve the situation. *sigh* Morgan's spelling doesn't look so good this week. All the words have silent letters :knee, knife, gnaw, thumb, debt, etc. Shes having a bit of trouble. I got notification in the mail today that I have to take Parasitology again this next quarter. Not such a big deal except they signed me up for classes until 6pm on Friday evenings. Not going to work is NOT an option when only working three days a week. This could get interesting. I'll update when I have finally tracked down the lady that is in charge of schedules. She only works two days a week and wasn't there on Monday this week. Nice. Cody's out of town also which means I am sleeping a little better (no snoring) but I am grumpy (no Cody). Morgan is suffering through having me help her with homework but I can hardly wait for Cody to get back as I really am not good at this. I have no patience for the "I don't understand" thing. Basically I hate my own homework. She should be able to do her own homework. I am trying but I am sure Morgan will attest that I am not much fun to do homework with. *sigh* Later folks.