As for what is happening on the home front: Morgan is still loving her Cello lessons, and is starting to spend more time at the stables. Annie and Toby are moving from Marie's place into other barns. Annie is moving to a place with a huge indoor arena so I can ride her no matter what the weather conditions are. Toby is moving to a place where he will live with another pony, hopefully in harmony.
I am "on leave" from work. Not really by choice but we'll just say that Marie doesn't like it when I stand up for the other drivers in the company. I want to buy the company but as I am not likely to qualify for the business loan needed to do that I will just have to suffer without my carriages until she allows me back. It has been nice spending time with Cody and Morgy, and really nice visiting "the Zona" and the family there, but life is not nearly as happy without my horses, carriages, crew, and stories. *sigh* Any knowledge of business loan qualifications and such would be greatly appreciated. (Katey and I would consider buying it jointly but I don't know if that would help or hinder.)
In other news: Katey (the brave one who rode Bailey so much this last spring) and I are starting a little online store called "Everything But The Horse". When I get it online I will post it. It started with us wanting to do something business-like together and needing to sell a bunch of horse tack. We then discovered we needed to sell a lot of other stuff also. Katey came up with the name, I will be doing the web stuff and voila! Soon we will be in business! Likely we won't make much money but hopefully enough to hit the auction in April to get more stuff to stock the little store with. We are also going to train Annie and her horse Galahad for driving. There should be lots of adventures to write about this spring!
As for the title of this blog, I am taking Hematology this quarter. It has managed to take over my entire life and made me quite grumpy in the process. A seriously @ss-kicking, evil, obnoxious class, I was not passing it until this last week. Finally I have the grade up to a 74% and I am rejoicing and singing praises to God, all the while keeping my offerings to the Hindu, and Pagan Gods coming to keep the passing grade through the end of the class. Daily studying is standard, along with Google searches of strange white blood cell morphs. This class is right up there with Physics in my list of most difficult classes in my long, drawn out school career. *sigh* I keep hearing in my mind "This too shall pass." Thanks for the advice mom!