It was convenient that it was a teacher's conference day with no students so we all started the lovely day off by sleeping in. The snow was very lightly falling for several hours after Morgan flew out of bed. This allowed her to romp and play for a bit in the front yard. She had a blast!
Brigs joined her after a bit but as soon as they were cold they came in and enjoyed the comforts of the house.
I had school and had to leave for a few hours but Cody stayed home with Morgan as the snow precluded him from going to the job he was scheduled for. He was saying something about setting up his chop saw in a front yard or something of that nature. Lame excuse if you ask me. ;) (Just kidding!)
Straton likes the snow also but as a Colorado native he couldn't understand why this day was so special. He also does not understand why he can't play in the front yard like the tiny dog. He doesn't seem to realize that the tiny dog comes back! Straton is getting better but still isn't trustworthy outside the dog park.
The evening has been spent with a fire and movies. Cody never did get dressed but enjoyed the first day off in months to its fullest. He and Critter took at least two naps. The only productive things Cody did was the dishes and chopping up a small stump for the fire. I am glad he got some rest. He's been really rundown lately. Maybe this weekend will let him catch up on some much needed rest.