In other news: Cody made it into the local paper this week. He took the opportunity to enjoy the 70 something weather last weekend and flew his airplanes (finally!) out at a local airfield. They published 3 photos of him and he has since printed and framed them. I am glad he finally got some "play" time. It has done wonders for his mental state.
Morgan has been less than thrilled with my crabby, sickly nature but managed to have some fun. Cody has a friend who's dad owns one of the local kid's fun centers (sort of like Chuck-E-Cheese's) and she got the run of the place. She played all the games, rode all of the rides and then got turned loose in the candy and toy area. Does it get much better for a 7 year old? 

Only a few more weeks of school for me and then break for a month or so. I would be happy except that I am not going to be doing much except working. Hopefully I can finish a coat I am trying to make before Christmas. I got a cool pattern for a Victorian style coat but haven't had time to do anything except to lay out the fabric and pattern. At least the website finally got done. If the coat takes the same amount of time it will be done sometime in June or July. Argh!