I had to be at work last night and found myself caught in quite a snow storm! It wasn't particularly cold. As a matter of fact the precipitation altered throughout the evening between snow, sleet, and rain. It was wet but not unpleasant and although it cut the night short and made for a lot of clean-up this previously seasonally deprived human is liking the variety in weather.
Cody went to work this morning and I have been laying in bed just watching the snow fall, and now, melt. I think we got around 2" total at our house. The barn where Annie is got around 6". I don't worry about her anymore as she has a lovely, thick coat now and has a wardrobe that would put Elizabeth Taylor to shame. I am sure she will be quite muddy when I see her next week! :) 

Working again this evening and hoping for slightly better weather. Flurries add to the ambiance but blizzards do put a damper on business, no to mention co-worker's spirits!